
>>> from user import place
# 23rd

>>> from user import score
# 7208 points

>>> from user import State/Territory location


Challenge Category Value Time
Dropped it crypto 344
Topaz 0x01 web 492
AutomaTar-1 misc 456
survey misc 100
CASSA Advanced Email System misc 320
DoS'ed out forensics 404
This and that misc 372
Tag, You're it osint 356
Missing Friend osint 260
DoubleTime rev 480
Flag wordle rev 408
Mach One forensics 188
Communication by meme steg 148
Apocalypse Today steg 268
Enigma 2 crypto 320
Password String 2 rev 352
Password String 1 rev 144
Optimum web 380
Topaz web 316
My Notes App web 360
Navigation web 296
Gadgets web 224
Inspect Me web 120
rules misc 100