Capture The Flags (CTFs) are competitions that involve many aspects of cyber security: cryptography, steganography, web exploitation, reverse engineering, forensics, and others.
Teams are presented with a set of specific "questions" (i.e.; challenges) across a range of categories.
The goal of each challenge is to recover a special string of text (letters, numbers, characters), called a flag.
PECAN+ CTF Flags are in the format pecan{some_text_here}. The whole string, including pecan{ and }, needs to be submitted. Flags are not case sensitive, and they may or may not include pecan{} when you find them. When a flag is in a different format, this will be stated in the challenge description.
Points clarified: Teams gain points for every solved challenge. Most challenges are worth a maximum of 500 points. Every time a Team solves a challenge, the value of that challenge decreases, down to a minimum of 100 points. This means the value of each challenge is set by how many Teams manage to solve it.
Don't cheat! Compete ethically! Solve challenges ethically and within your Team only (i.e.; do not seek outside advice or help). You are, however, welcome to use whatever digital tools you have at your disposal.
There is no limit on incorrect flag submissions. However, attacking the virtual machine and/or the scoring infrastructure is prohibited (i.e.; anything outside the subdomain). This includes sending a lot of useless traffic through automated tools (e.g.; dirbuster).
Extra special challenges:
- The 2024 ASD Challenge - first Team to complete the 2024 ASD Challenge, A Weakness For Pizza, wins a Games pack.
- The Unsolved Challenge: Sebucsert Cryptosystem - the 2023 ASD Challenge - remains unsolved! A mystery Prize on offer for the first Team to crack it!
Thanks for reading, here's your flag: pecan{i_play_by_the_rules} If you find a problem, please let us know via Discord so that we can fix it and improve the PECAN+ CTF experience for everyone.